Yodok III

This Earth We Walk Upon

Released in

We're very honored to announce we will be releasing 'This Earth We Walk Upon' by YODOK III.  The album will be officially released on Consouling Sounds on the first of February!


YODOK III returns to Consouling Sounds with a new live album. "THIS EARTH WE WALK UPON" is YODOK III in its purest form.  Starting off as a monolith structure slowly falling apart, the build-up begins half way into this 63 minute long ritual: transcendental, pulsating, dynamic and highly intriguing. The raw emotion captured on this recording is that of an extremely focused, yet constantly evolving musical entity. YODOK III is a live band that thrives on adrenaline, interaction and momentum.  An emotional rollercoaster with a genre-complexity that can only be described as unique.


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