Dark Sky Burial joins the Consouling Sounds roster!

‘Life for anyone can be a struggle at times’ explains Shane Embury. An honored veteran of heavy music looks back at both sides of his artistic personality. On the one hand – Napalm Death, Brujeria, Tronos among other projects featuring Embury’s notable bass that became synonymous to the adjective “grinding”. On the other hand  – Dark Sky Burial. Not just another project. But a different one. Coming through personal tragedies, Embury believes It all ignited a quest to find meaning and also rediscover just who he is.

Using the image of a Maze on the cover of the recently released series of albums, Embury evokes the inner-search of his listeners, making them question and search for the meaning. A personal one. Accumulated by medieval-rhythms and dark-twisting passages Dark Sky Burial leads you through a twisted labyrinth, where every twist and turn are reflected on the musical level. With a landscape change, structural or compositional additions.

Described by Shane Embury as “more than just a creative outpouring”, the newly released album unites both ‘Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus’ and ‘Nascentes Morimur Morientes Nascimur’ a collective piece, a quadrilogy of albums. Coming up with the third piece of the series of releases, Embury questions himself: “Four is the number of wholeness…So maybe I am symbolizing my  desire for personal wholeness through the album’s journey ? From prehistoric times, the number four was employed to signify what was solid, what could be touched and felt. Its relationship to the cross (four points) made it an outstanding symbol of wholeness and universality, a symbol which drew all to itself”. ‘Tantum Religio Potuit Suadere Malorum’ is a burning bridge built with hope and sadness, a rebirth record described by Shane as: ‘the letting of go many things most importantly my former self’.

Commenting on the signing to Consouling Sounds, Shane Embury explains: “I am very excited to be joining Consouling  Sounds. The Dark Sky Burial following have been feverishly asking for vinyl releases for sometime now, and  this is something I have really wanted to do”. Embury continues: “The debut release on Consouling Sounds will feature lots of twists and turns sonically  with this vinyl release it’s the start of a new and exciting chapter in the evolution of Dark Sky Burial”.

Dark Sky Burial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darkskyburial
Dark Sky Burial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darkskyburial
Dark Sky Burial Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkskyburial