24 Hours of Deep Listening keert terug!
Op 1 en 2 oktober organiseren we de editie van 2021. Twee dagen gevuld met muziek, kunst en immersieve ervaringen. Het gaat in de eerste plaats op de muziek, maar met een grote nadruk op de ziel.
Dit jaar verwelkomen we jullie graag op 2 locaties in Gent: Lakenmetershuis & Tinnenpot.
Koop hier je tickets!
24 Hours of Deep Listening is back!
On Oct. 1 and 2 we organise this year’s edition of the festival. Two days filled with music, art, and immersive experiences. It’s first and foremost about the music, but with great attention for the soul.
This year we welcome you to 2 locations in Ghent: Lakenmetershuis & Tinnenpot.
Buy your tickets here:!
- - - - LAKENMETERSHUIS - - - -
18:30 - SIEM REAP
19:40 - SUM OF R
21:15 - BARST
22:30 - IIVII
23:40 - INSECT ARK
During the day you will be able to enjoy the expo of Le 7e Oeil.
- - - - TINNENPOT - - - -
16:00 - DEBATE 1: Immersive Audio
20:30 - ICARUS NIGHT: Theodore Wild Ride (separate tickets available here)
Continuous during the day there will be a showcase of VACUUM, several expos by Michelle Geerardyn, Sander Van Bellegem and Sarah De Mulder.
Try out Oisoi's latest VR game: painting VR!
If you are interested to join our HacXathon: register here (this is collab with XRT.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - LAKENMETERSHUIS - - - -
15:15 - WOLF
16:45 - MOTHER
19:00 - POTHAMUS
21:00 - URAL UMBO
Again, during the day you will be able to enjoy the expo of Le 7e Oeil.
- - - - TINNENPOT - - - -
11:00 - DEBATE 2: About Care
13:00 - DEBATE 3: About Community
In between the 2 debates there's a BRUNCH (registration required - form will follow).
Continuous during the day there will be a showcase of VACUUM, several expos by Michelle Geerardyn, Sander Van Bellegem and Sarah De Mulder. You will still be able to test Oisoi's VR Painting.
Towards the end of the day we will reveal the winners of the HacXathon.
Early Bird tickets are SOLD OUT!
Official tickets are now available here
24 Hours of Deep Listening is the festival of the record label Consouling Sounds.
It is a music festival featuring the sounds the label has become known for: introspective, broody, genre defying.
Sometimes hard & heavy and other times soft & eerie, never superficial, always intense.
24HDL is also a festival about immersive technology, community and togetherness.
Each year we present digital solutions and immersive art to answer the question: how can we experience music together in an unforgettable way, in real space and online?
How can we bring people in different places, other realities together? With a community spread out over the globe, Consouling wants to find an answer to this challenge.
The festival is made possible thanks to the help of numerous partners:
vzw de console, Spookstad, XRT, Veil of Sound, Muzieklab Podcast, Oorworm,
an awesome team, an even larger awesome community, with the support of the Flemish government, and many others.
24 Hours of Deep Listening is het festival van het platenlabel Consouling Sounds.
Het is een muziekfestival dat het geluid presenteert waarvoor het label bekend is geworden: introspectief, broeierig, grensoverschrijdend.
Soms hard & heavy en dan weer zacht en dromerig, nooit oppervlakkig, altijd intens.
24HDL is ook een festival over immersive technologie, community en verbondenheid.
Elk jaar presenteren we digitale oplossingen en immersieve kunst om een antwoord te geven op de vraag: hoe kunnen we samen muziek beleven op een onvergetelijke manier, in de echte ruimte en online?
Hoe kunnen we mensen die zich in verschillende plaatsen bevinden echt samenbrengen? Met een community die zich uitstrekt over de wereld wil Consouling een antwoord vinden op deze uitdaging.
Het festival komt tot stand dankzij de hulp van talrijke partners:
vzw de console, Spookstad, XRT, Veil of Sound, Muzieklab Podcast, Oorworm,
een geweldig team, een nog grotere geweldige community, met de steun van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, en vele anderen
If the event is cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions from the government, prior to the event starting, Consouling Sounds will automatically refund tickets booked from the website (online bookings) back to the payment card used in the original transaction. If a ticket was purchased at a ticket outlet (not from the website) it is the responsibility of the ticket holder to organise their own ticket refund by contacting us through the website, as refunds will not be available at the ticket outlet used to purchase them.